Root canal therapy is a common treatment that may be recommended to repair and save an infected or severely damaged tooth that would otherwise need to be extracted. Pulp damage can be caused by a deep cavity, cracked tooth, trauma, or repeated treatment of the tooth.

Root canal is an old treatment that was feared because of the pain. But with modern advanced anesthesia options and skillful surgical techniques offered by Daniel S. Guindi, DDS, getting a root canal at our practice in Glendora, CA is as comfortable as a dental filling procedure.

Root Canal Specialist - Glendora, CA

When you arrive for your root canal treatment, Dr. Guindi will gently numb your teeth gums to eliminate any pain during the procedure.

Next, he will drill a hole into your tooth in order to access the infected pulp or damaged nerve tissue and completely remove it using state-of-the-art dental equipment. After the pulp and nerve tissue has been removed, any debris left in the canal will be flushed-out using a special solution. Topical antibiotics will then be inserted in the canal to get rid of any remaining infection, and then sealed with a rubber compound (gutta-percha).

Though the cavity has been filled, the tooth structure has been weakened. So a crown is placed over the restoration to both strengthen and protect the tooth. The crowns are fabricated from tooth-colored material to ensure your smile looks natural.

Schedule your root canal treatment today

Root canal treatment has a high success rate, and the restored tooth can last a lifetime with good care. It is also the more cost-effective solution compared to tooth extraction followed by tooth replacement with an implant, bridge, or denture. Before your treatment begins, X-rays may be taken to assess the condition of your jawbone for comparison purposes post treatment.

To learn more about root canal therapy, please schedule a consultation with Daniel S. Guindi, DDS in Glendora, CA today.